Gone Fishing Craft and Game!
Here's a quick and easy game to play that’s super easy to make. We used paper clips and paper to make a simple fishing game. Check out our other easy games and projects too at Kidfunideas.com
What you'll need:
· Construction Paper or Cardstock
· Tape
· Metal paperclips
· A chopstick or stick from the yard
· String or Ribbon
· Scissors
· Fish Template
· Magnet
· Optional: Laminator to laminate your fish.
· Crayons, pencils or markers to decorate your fish
How to make the Fish:
Version 1 (with a laminator):
1. Print out the Kidfunideas.com fish template and cut out several fish from cardstock or construction paper.
2. Decorate both sides of each fish. Laminate and cut out.
3. Use a small hole punch and make a hole in your fish at the tail end. Thread a small paperclip through the hole.
Version 2 (Without a laminator):
1. Print out the Kidfunideas.com fish template. Cutting out two fish at a time, cut out several sets of fish from cardstock or construction paper.
2. Decorate each set of fish as a mirror image.
3. Turn the fish to the non-decorated side and tape a paperclip to one end. Apply glue stick to the other copy of the fish and fit the two fish pieces together sandwiching the paperclip between them. Press down to secure the edges.
To Make the fishing Pole:
There are several things you can use to make a fishing pole. Here are some examples:
Wooden Spoon
Unsharpened Pencil
Paint Stir Stick
Whatever you choose, take a piece of string approximately 12” long and tie it to one end. Tie the other end to the magnet. For younger kids, make the string shorter for easier fishing.
If you do not have a magnet that is able to be tied to the end of the string, place your magnet into a thin sandwich bag and fit it into the corner. Gather the bag around the magnet and use a rubber band or twist-tie and tie it around the top of the gathered plastic. Cut away the excess bag and then attach it to the string threading it under the rubber band or twist tie.


Easy print version