The Turkey is a Silly Bird Thanksgiving Craft
This easy kid’s craft is super fun for kids to make. A fun rhyme is included with this craft. Once the kids make their silly turkeys, they can show their relatives at the holiday feast. We use easy-to-find toilet paper tubes and Popsicle sticks to make the turkey’s head move. What a fun and easy Thanksgiving craft for kids!
What you'll need:
Turkey Printout
Construction paper: Brown, Yellow, Red, Orange
Craft sticks – Large size (6”)
Glue stick
Metal Paper fastener
Hole Punch
Toilet paper tube
Crayons or Colored pencils to decorate
How to make it:
Print out the Silly Turkey Picture and color the turkey head and body with colored pencils or crayons. Trim out the head and body shapes.
Cut 2 back of head shapes and one back of body shape out of brown construction paper.
For the Turkey Head: Attach your Popsicle stick to one of the brown back of headpieces with a strong tape like masking tape or duct tape. Tape down the Popsicle stick 1 inch up from the neck end. Take the remaining back of headpiece and use a glue stick to glue the two brown back of headpieces together sandwiching the Popsicle stick in between. Press the pieces together to make them secure.
Glue the colored Turkey head onto the back of headpiece matching up the shape.
Take your toilet paper tube and use your scissors to cut a 1-inch slit in the tube 1” down from the end of the tube. This slit is where the Popsicle stick with the turkey’s head will be inserted.
For the body: Take your back of the body piece and fold the side flaps where indicated on the pattern. Attach the back of the body piece in the center of the body with a glue stick to the back of the colored body piece. Do not glue down the flaps. Take your body piece and position it under the slit on the toilet paper tube. Use tape to secure the flaps to the toilet paper tube on the sides. This will hold the body piece in place.
For the back tail feathers: Using the tail feather pattern, cut 2 feathers each from yellow, red, and orange construction paper, making a hole where indicated on the pattern on each of the feathers. Use your hole punch to make a hole in the toilet paper tube opposite the head about an inch down.
Thread your tail feathers onto the metal paper fastener and then into the hole you made in the tube. Open up the metal fastener inside the tube to secure the feathers. Fan out the feathers and use a couple of pieces of tape in the back to keep the feathers from moving around.
Cut out your Silly Turkey Rhyme and glue it to the back of your tail feathers.
That’s it, now you are ready to put on a show with your silly turkey!

Easy print version