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My Little Fairy House

Why not make this super cute Fairy house.  Made from easy-to-find items, your kids will be sprinkling Pixie dust and having a Fairy adventure in no time.  This is a fun kid’s craft that can be personalized in many ways.  Set it inside a fairy garden for even more fun.  This little house is fun to make along with our My Little Fairy craft.


What you'll need:

  • Empty and dry Bacterial Wipes container

  • Foam or Felt sheets: light and dark green

  • Brown paper bag or brown craft paper

  • White Glue or Mod Podge

  • Thin Cardboard

  • Scissors and craft knife

  • Masking tape

  • Fairy House pattern pieces


How to make it:

  1. Clean out and dry your disinfectant container.  Measure down from the lid approximately 2 ½.  Draw a line around the container and have an adult remove this section carefully using the craft knife or scissors.

  2. Tear your brown paper bag or brown craft paper into irregular shapes approximately an inch – 2 inches square.  We will use these to resemble wood on the outside of the fairy house. 

  3. Cover your area with paper towels and pour about a ¼ cup of glue into a small bowl.  One at a time, dip the brown paper pieces into the glue, scraping off the excess and laying them on the outside of the container.  Smooth the paper down with your fingers or a foam brush.   Working in small sections, overlap the paper pieces continuing to dip the paper, and smooth them onto the container until the entire outside is covered in the brown paper pieces.   This can be a pretty messy step, so you might want to use gloves.  When your container is completely covered on the outside with the brown paper, set it aside to dry. (Tip:  To prevent your fairy house from sticking to paper while it’s drying, take a water bottle and place it on top of a paper towel.  Invert your fairy house and place it on top of the water bottle to dry.  The paper towel will catch any drips and the water bottle will prevent the house from sticking to anything while it’s drying)

  4. While your house is drying you can make the roof.  Because not all wipes containers are the same diameter, the roof size may vary.    Start with an 8-inch circle cut from thin cardboard.  Cut into the circle 4 inches to the center.  Shape the circle into a cone and try it on the base of your wipes container.  When you have a cone shape that looks good with your container, take your masking tape and tape the edges to lock in the shape. Cover the entire outside of the roof with masking tape if desired.

  5. Cut out several leaf shapes from light and dark green felt or craft foam.  You will probably need approximately 36 leaves to cover the roof.   Starting at the bottom wide end of your cone, glue one row of the leaves, varying the shades.  Once you have one row of leaves glued on, glue the second row of leaves on overlapping the first row, continuing until you have covered the entire roof with glued leaves.  Set your roof aside to dry.

  6. Cut out the Kidfunideas door and window pattern shapes.  When your house base is completely dry, decide which side will be the front of the house and glue the door into place smoothing the edges down carefully.  Choose your window shapes and glue them down as well.  When the door and windows are dry, cover the outside of your fairy house base with Mod Podge to seal on the doors and windows.



Now you are ready to put on the roof and add your own details.  You can set your fairy house in your garden or play with it inside.  The roof comes off so that you can add furniture or a fairy.  It also makes a nifty hiding spot for your favorite special treasures.  This is a great activity to make on a long weekend during the summer or as a rainy day activity.

Easy print version Little Fairy house craft for kids.  Make this easy Fairy craft for kids and have a magical place for your Fairys my little fairy house kid's craft my little fairy house my little fairy house craft my little fairy craft for kids my little fairy house craft for kids my little fairy craft for kids my little fairy craft for kids my little fairy house pattern my little fairy house pattern my little fairy house pattern my little fairy house pattern
Kidfunideas. my little fairy house pattern
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