Summer Sunflower Craft
Nothing says summer like a field of sunflowers; they are so pretty and cheery. Our Kidfunideas Sunflower craft makes a fun classroom project or decoration. Make one, two or a whole wall full.
What you'll need:
Construction paper: Yellow, Green & Orange
One recycled paper towel tube
Glue dots & White glue
Foam brush
Lentils or sunflower seeds
Kidfunideas.com Sunflower pattern
How to make it:
Using your sunflower pattern cut out your flower petals and stem and leaf pieces. You will need 16 flower petal pieces, two leaves, and 2 flower centerpieces.
Flatten your paper towel tube. Cover the tube with a sheet of green construction paper and staple or tape it into place. This with be your flower stem. For a really long flower, instead of using a paper towel tube, you can use a recycled wrapping paper tube.
Take each petal piece and fold it in half lengthwise as indicated in the pattern. Divide the petals into 2 piles. Use tape to attach eight petals to the center flower circle with the fold-up spacing them out around the center circle. Next, take your second pile of flower petals and attach them in-between the first set of petals with the fold of the petal down.
Use glue dots to glue the green stem of the flower to the back of the flower head. Then use glue dots to attach the second flower center, covering up the attached petals.
Flip your flower over and attach the leaves to the stem with glue.
Apply a layer of white glue to the front of the flower center and arrange your sunflower seeds or lentils to the center of the flower. Let dry and you are done.
Easy print version

Easy print version

Kidfunideas.com Sunflower petal pattern. Cut 16 from yellow